Zolar's Astrological Tarot
U.S. Games
Year of Issue
Instructions Language
Limited Edition
Fuori produzione, Out of print
Cards number
cm. 12 x 7
gr. 185
61.50 EUR
Tarocchi, Tarots
Rarità, Rarity
Culturali, Cultural
I Tarocchi Astrologici di Zolar - Fortune Telling Cards è un mazzo di 56 carte, diviso come segue: le 56 carte degli Arcani Minori, suddivise in quattro semi (Denari, Coppe, Spade e Bastoni), con le carte di corte dal titolo Re, Regina, Cavaliere e Fante; le 22 carte degli Arcani Maggiori (che appaiono sul retro di 22 carte negli Arcani Minori); 32 carte astrologiche che appaiono sul retro di 32 carte Arcani Minori; un mazzo di 52 carte da gioco regolari, ottenuto prendendo il Cavaliere dai quattro semi degli Arcani Minori. Confezione rovinata carte nuove.
Zolar’s Astrological Tarot - Fortune Telling Cards” is a 56 card deck, divided as follows: the 56 cards of the Minor Arcana, broken down into four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles), with the Court cards entitled King, Queen, Knight, and Page; the 22 cards of the Major Arcana (appearing on the back of 22 cards in the Minor Arcana); 32 astrological cards appearing on the back of 32 of the Minor Arcana cards; a pack of 52 regular playing cards, obtained by taking the Knight out of the four suits in the Minor Arcana.
New cards, damaged packaging.
Zolar's Astrological Tarot review by Bonnie Cehovet.
Zolar’s Astrological Tarot - Fortune Telling Cards” is a 56 card deck, divided as follows: the 56 cards of the Minor Arcana, broken down into four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles), with the Court cards entitled King, Queen, Knight, and Page; the 22 cards of the Major Arcana (appearing on the back of 22 cards in the Minor Arcana); 32 astrological cards appearing on the back of 32 of the Minor Arcana cards; a pack of 52 regular playing cards, obtained by taking the Knight out of the four suits in the Minor Arcana.
New cards, damaged packaging.
Zolar's Astrological Tarot review by Bonnie Cehovet.